Monday, June 21, 2010

Batik Madura

Batik Madura
Madura batik is batik, which is typical of the craftsmen of Madura.
Batik Madura be interesting because it is still relatively rare. because it Madurese batik has not been popular batik-batik as others, such as Pekalongan batik, batik solo, surakarta batik or batik jogja. But precisely scarcity that makes it uniquely valuable as well. And that is definitely worth the high arts.

Madurese batik centers located starting from Bangkalan, Pamekasan up stalls in the market batik Sumenep.
Batik Madura seemed identical to the one special place, namely Tanjung Earth. Bangkalan residing in the North, outside the main routes across the Madura is located on the south side of the island of Madura.

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