Saturday, June 26, 2010

Footwear Batik

Batik in use for materials other than pakain was interesting, too, if in use to complement the beauty of the shoe. If you have your shoe collection bercobahan batik. If not immediately have to add to your collection!.

Batik clothing for women

Batik dress shirt for women is derived from pekalongan for those of you who want to look nice batik shirt is one choice for your use.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Batik T-shirt collar

Batik Shirt collars are suitable at all for those of you who want to look different. batik design a cool model will make you appear more appealing.

Batik shirt

Kris batik shirt for adults is made of fine cotton cloth of high artistic merit. With such a beautifully designed by professionals to provide added value to the wearer.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Batik Jogjakarta

Batik Jogjakarta
Traditional Batik art is known since several centuries ago in the land of Java. If we trace the course of batik in Java land development will not escape from the development of batik art in Central Java. Jogja Batik is part of the development history of batik in Central Java who have experienced the combination of several styles from other regions.
Travel "Batik Yogya" can not escape from the agreement Giyanti 1755. Once Mataram split into two, and Kraton Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat stands, clothing Mataram Ngayogyakarta transported from Surakarta to the Sri susuhunan Pakubuwono II to design a new fashion and clothes is different from the customary fashion Surakarta Kraton Yogyakarta.
In the village Giyanti, negotiations took place. A result, among others, the Regional or Area of Mataram was divided, one section under the authority of His Majesty Majesty Sri PB II in Surakarta Hadiningrat, partly under the rule of Prince Mangkubumi Kanjeng that after the title was crowned as king Dalem Ngersa Sampeyan Dalem Ingkang Sinuhun Kangjeng Sultan Hamengku Buwana Senopati ing Rachman Ngabdul Ngalaga Sayidin Panatagama Kalifatullah ingkang jumeneng kaping I, which was then called Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat palace.
All heritage and objects palace also halved. Clothing Mataraman taken to Yogyakarta, because Kangjeng Prince Mangkubumi who wishes to preserve it. Therefore, under authority of Sri liege Surakarta PB III susuhunan fashion designing new procedures and managed to make Traditional Clothing Keraton Surakarta as we have seen until now.

Yogyakarta-style batik hallmark, there are two kinds of background or base color fabric. White and Black. While color can be white batik (cloth color), dark blue-black and brown soga. Sered or edge of cloth, white, sought not to break so conceded soga, either black or white background fabric. Variety first hiasnya Geometric: lerek slash or slopes, the lines cross or fried and kawung, as well as matting and ornamental limaran.Ragam are both non-geometric cement, lung-lungan and largely symbolic ornamental boketan.Ragam closely associated with Hindu philosophy - Java (S Ny.Nian JUMENA), among others:
Plane symbolizes a crown or higher authority, symbolizes the Meru mountain or the ground (earth), the Dragon symbolizes water, the bird symbolizes the wind or the world, symbolizes the flame or flames Geni.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Batik Solo

Batik Solo
In some records, the development of batik is done at many times of the Mataram kingdom, then in the kingdom of Solo and Yogyakarta.
Solo has many typical batik patterns, such as Sidomukti and Sidoluruh. Some of the business is a famous batik Batik and Batik Keris Danarhadi. Batik trade center in this city located at Pasar Klewer.

Klewer Market is one market that is very well known batik in Indonesia. This is evidenced by the number of foreign and domestic tourists who visit for a look around and buy batik solo in Pasar Klewer. In addition Klewer Market is also one of the wholesale business centers of batik with a relatively cheap price. Apart from Kampung Batik Pasar Klewer Laweyan also includes a central Batik in Solo. Obviously this village to save a lot of history behind that became icons of Batik Solo.

Solo Batik processing possess a distinctive brownish color (Sogan) that fills the space free of color, different from Yogya style free space a brighter color. Elections tend to be dark colors, follow the trend of batik interior.

Batik Pekalongan

Pekalongan Batik
Pekalongan is known as one of the city with the characteristics of producing batik motifs characteristic flora, fauna, and some geometric, colorful, batik designs are not glued to the grip, as in batiks of Solo and Jogjakarta. Chinese cultural influences, Arabic, indo europe and how the natives find new ways to read the culture osmose produce advanced features of Pekalongan batik. In the book Batik Fabled Cloth Of Java, mentioned that batik has been developed in this region beginning in 1840, but this possibility could be earlier.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Batik Madura

Batik Madura
Madura batik is batik, which is typical of the craftsmen of Madura.
Batik Madura be interesting because it is still relatively rare. because it Madurese batik has not been popular batik-batik as others, such as Pekalongan batik, batik solo, surakarta batik or batik jogja. But precisely scarcity that makes it uniquely valuable as well. And that is definitely worth the high arts.

Madurese batik centers located starting from Bangkalan, Pamekasan up stalls in the market batik Sumenep.
Batik Madura seemed identical to the one special place, namely Tanjung Earth. Bangkalan residing in the North, outside the main routes across the Madura is located on the south side of the island of Madura.